
Autodownload settings

autoDownloadSettings#8efab953 flags:# disabled:flags.0?true video_preload_large:flags.1?true audio_preload_next:flags.2?true phonecalls_less_data:flags.3?true photo_size_max:int video_size_max:long file_size_max:long video_upload_maxbitrate:int = AutoDownloadSettings;


Name Type Description
flags # Flags, see TL conditional fields
disabled flags.0?true Disable automatic media downloads?
video_preload_large flags.1?true Whether to preload the first seconds of videos larger than the specified limit
audio_preload_next flags.2?true Whether to preload the next audio track when you're listening to music
phonecalls_less_data flags.3?true Whether to enable data saving mode in phone calls
stories_preload flags.4?true Whether to preload stories; in particular, the first documentAttributeVideo.preload_prefix_size bytes of story videos should be preloaded.
photo_size_max int Maximum size of photos to preload
video_size_max long Maximum size of videos to preload
file_size_max long Maximum size of other files to preload
video_upload_maxbitrate int Maximum suggested bitrate for uploading videos
small_queue_active_operations_max int A limit, specifying the maximum number of files that should be downloaded in parallel from the same DC, for files smaller than 20MB.
large_queue_active_operations_max int A limit, specifying the maximum number of files that should be downloaded in parallel from the same DC, for files bigger than 20MB.



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Telegram users and channels can easily post and view stories through the API.


Defines a video