
Edit the name of a channel/supergroup

updatesTooLong#e317af7e = Updates;
updateShortMessage#914fbf11 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int user_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates;
updateShortChatMessage#16812688 flags:# out:flags.1?true mentioned:flags.4?true media_unread:flags.5?true silent:flags.13?true id:int from_id:int chat_id:int message:string pts:int pts_count:int date:int fwd_from:flags.2?MessageFwdHeader via_bot_id:flags.11?int reply_to_msg_id:flags.3?int entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates;
updateShort#78d4dec1 update:Update date:int = Updates;
updatesCombined#725b04c3 updates:Vector<Update> users:Vector<User> chats:Vector<Chat> date:int seq_start:int seq:int = Updates;
updates#74ae4240 updates:Vector<Update> users:Vector<User> chats:Vector<Chat> date:int seq:int = Updates;
updateShortSentMessage#11f1331c flags:# out:flags.1?true id:int pts:int pts_count:int date:int media:flags.9?MessageMedia entities:flags.7?Vector<MessageEntity> = Updates;
channels.editTitle#566decd0 channel:InputChannel title:string = Updates;


Name Type Description
channel InputChannel Channel/supergroup
title string New name



Possible errors

Code Type Description
400 CHANNEL_INVALID The provided channel is invalid.
400 CHANNEL_PRIVATE You haven't joined this channel/supergroup.
403 CHAT_ADMIN_REQUIRED You must be an admin in this chat to do this.
400 CHAT_NOT_MODIFIED No changes were made to chat information because the new information you passed is identical to the current information.
400 CHAT_TITLE_EMPTY No chat title provided.
403 CHAT_WRITE_FORBIDDEN You can't write in this chat.

Bots can use this method

Related pages

Channels, supergroups, gigagroups and basic groups

How to handle channels, supergroups, gigagroups, basic groups, and what's the difference between them.