
Premium Features for Channels

Q: Can I get Premium for my Channel?

Channels can access certain Premium features by receiving boosts from Premium subscribers. For each level they gain, channels can post 1 additional story per day and can add 1 more custom reaction. Each level also unlocks customization options like emoji status, themes and custom wallpapers. Here's a detailed list for each level.

Q: How do I get boosts?

Channels level up by receiving boosts from their Premium subscribers or by creating giveaways. Sharing your unique boost link with subscribers lets Premium users give their boosts to your channel. By hosting a giveaway, your channel will immediately receive all 4 boosts from each Premium subscription that is given away.

To find your boost link, start a giveaway or check your channel's level, open the Channel's Profile > Channel Settings > Statistics and Boosts > Boosts.

Q: Can I boost a channel myself?

Channel admins can gift Telegram Premium to their friends and contacts – receiving 3 boosts for each gift, which you can personally assign to your channel instead of doing a giveaway.

Q: How many boosts do I need?

Every channel needs a different number of boosts to level up – based on their total subscriber count. For each level a channel gains, they unlock more features and customization options.

Q: What's available at each level?

Level 1

  • 1 Story Per Day
  • 1 Custom Reaction
  • 7 Channel Name Colors
  • 7 Styles for Links and Quotes

Level 2

  • 2 Stories Per Day
  • 2 Custom Reactions
  • 7 Channel Name Colors
  • 14 Styles for Links and Quotes

Level 3

  • 3 Stories Per Day
  • 3 Custom Reactions
  • 7 Channel Name Colors
  • 21 Styles for Links and Quotes

Level 4

  • 4 Stories Per Day
  • 4 Custom Reactions
  • 7 Channel Name Colors
  • 21 Styles for Links and Quotes
  • Custom Logos for Links and Quotes

Level 5

  • 5 Stories Per Day
  • 5 Custom Reactions
  • 7 Channel Name Colors
  • 8 Colors for Channel Cover
  • 21 Styles for Links and Quotes
  • Custom Logos for Links and Quotes

Level 6

  • 6 Stories Per Day
  • 6 Custom Reactions
  • 7 Channel Name Colors
  • 16 Colors for Channel Cover
  • 21 Styles for Links and Quotes
  • Custom Logos for Links and Quotes

Level 7

  • 7 Stories Per Day
  • 7 Custom Reactions
  • 7 Channel Name Colors
  • 16 Colors for Channel Cover
  • Custom Logos for Channel Cover
  • 21 Styles for Links and Quotes
  • Custom Logos for Links and Quotes

Level 8

  • 8 Stories Per Day
  • 8 Custom Reactions
  • 7 Channel Name Colors
  • 16 Colors for Channel Cover
  • Custom Logos for Channel Cover
  • 21 Styles for Links and Quotes
  • Custom Logos for Links and Quotes
  • 1000+ Emoji Statuses

Level 9

  • 9 Stories Per Day
  • 9 Custom Reactions
  • 7 Channel Name Colors
  • 16 Colors for Channel Cover
  • Custom Logos for Channel Cover
  • 21 Styles for Links and Quotes
  • Custom Logo for Links and Quotes
  • 1000+ Emoji Statuses
  • 8 Channel Backgrounds

Level 10

  • 10 Stories Per Day
  • 10 Custom Reactions
  • 7 Channel Name Colors
  • 16 Colors for Channel Cover
  • Custom Logos for Channel Cover
  • 21 Styles for Links and Quotes
  • Custom Logos for Links and Quotes
  • 8 Channel Backgrounds
  • 1000+ Emoji Statuses
  • Custom Channel Backgrounds