Telegram Data Export Schema

Telegram allows you to export data connected to your account so that it becomes accessible offline in JSON or in human-readable HTML. To use this feature, make sure you have Telegram Desktop installed on your computer, then click Settings > Advanced > Export Telegram data.

This document outlines the data layout and schema for the JSON export. To view the HTML export, open the export_results.html file with a web browser and freely interact with the interface. If you export a single chat, the file will be called messages.html instead.

Export Layout

The exported data will be laid out as follows.

├── result.json 
├── chats       
│   ├── chat_01
│   │   ├── contacts
│   │   │    ├── contact_1.vcard
│   │   │    ├── ...
│   │   ├── photos
│   │   │    ├── photo_1@DD-MM-YYYY_hh-mm-ss.jpg
│   │   │    ├── ...
│   │   ├── video_files
│   │   │    ├── video_1@DD-MM-YYYY_hh-mm-ss.mp4
│   │   │    ├── video_1@DD-MM-YYYY_hh-mm-ss.mp4_thumb.jpg
│   │   │    ├── ...
│   │   ├── round_video_messages
│   │   │    ├── file_1@DD-MM-YYYY_hh-mm-ss.mp4
│   │   │    ├── file_1@DD-MM-YYYY_hh-mm-ss.mp4_thumb.jpg
│   │   │    ├── ...
│   │   ├── stickers
│   │   │    ├── AnimatedSticker.tgs
│   │   │    ├── AnimatedSticker.tgs_thumb.jpg
│   │   │    ├── sticker.webp
│   │   │    ├── sticker.webp_thumb.jps
│   │   │    ├── AnimatedSticker(1).tgs
│   │   │    ├── AnimatedSticker(1).tgs_thumb.jpg
│   │   │    ├── sticker(1).webp
│   │   │    ├── sticker(1).webp_thumb.jps
│   │   │    ├── ...
│   │   ├── voice_messages
│   │   │    ├── audio_1@DD-MM-YYYY_hh-mm-ss.ogg
│   │   │    ├── ...
│   │   ├── files
│   │   │    ├── file_name.jpg
│   │   │    ├── file_name.jpg_thumb.jpg
│   │   │    ├── AUD-NAME.opus
│   │   │    ├── ...
│   ├── chat_02
│   │   ├── ...
│   ├── ...
├── lists      
│   └── other_data.json
├── stories    
│   ├── story_1@DD-MM-YYYY_hh-mm-ss.jpg
│   ├── story_2@DD-MM-YYYY_hh-mm-ss.mp4
│   ├── ...
└── profile_pictures  
    ├── photo_1@DD-MM-YYYY_hh-mm-ss.jpg
    ├── photo_2@DD-MM-YYYY_hh-mm-ss.jpg
    ├── ...

All media elements are referenced by result.json via relative paths.
Example: "photo": "chats/chat_01/photos/photo_2@29-10-2021_09-30-00.jpg".

Export Schema

The documentation below assumes that you performed a full export. If you exported a single chat, the result.json file will instead represent a single Chat object, and you should start reading the schema from there.


This object represents the main result.json file itself.

Field Type Description
about String Brief description of the data exported herein
personal_information PersonalInformation Optional. Basic information about the user
profile_pictures Array of UserProfilePhoto Optional. The user's current profile photos
stories Array of Story Optional. Stories posted by the user from Telegram mobile apps.
contacts Contacts Optional. Exported contacts, if any
frequent_contacts FrequentContacts Optional. Exported frequent contacts, if any. The user may have disabled this in their privacy settings
sessions Sessions Optional. Info shown in Settings > Privacy & Security > Active Sessions
web_sessions WebSessions Optional. The user's web sessions.
other_data OtherData Optional. Data such as the user's IP address, history of username and phone number changes
chats Chats Optional. Exported chats, if any
left_chats LeftChats Optional. Exported chats that the user left or was banned from


This object contains basic information about the user.

Field Type Description
user_id Integer Unique identifier for this user. This number may have more than 32 significant bits and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this identifier.
phone_number String User's phone number (e.g., +01 234 567 8910)
first_name String User's first name
last_name String User's last name
username String Optional. User's public username (e.g., @username)
bio String Optional. User's bio


This object represents a user profile photo.

Field Type Description
date String Upload date of this photo as an ISO 8601 timestamp (e.g., 2021-12-28T18:53:27)
date_unixtime String Upload date of this photo as a unix timestamp (e.g., 1640714007)
photo String Relative path of this photo (e.g., profile_pictures/photo_1@28-12-2021_18-53-27.jpg)


This object represents a story.

Field Type Description
date String Upload date of this story as an ISO 8601 timestamp (e.g., 2023-09-02T17:05:43)
date_unixtime String Upload date of this story as a unix timestamp (e.g., 1693667143)
expires String Expiration date of this story as an ISO 8601 timestamp (e.g., 2023-09-03T17:05:43)
expires_unixtime String Expiration date of this story as a unix timestamp (e.g., 1693753543)
pinned Boolean True if the story is pinned, false otherwise
media String Relative path to the media uploaded as a story (e.g., stories/story_2@02-09-2023_17-05-43.mp4)


This object contains all the contacts in this export. If the user allowed access, their contacts are continuously synced with Telegram. Synced contacts can be deleted in Settings > Privacy & Security on Telegram's mobile apps.

Field Type Description
about String Brief description of the data exported herein
list Array of Contact Array of all exported contacts


This object represents a phone contact.

Field Type Description
first_name String Contact's first name
last_name String Contact's last name
phone_number String Contact's phone number
date String Optional. Creation date of this contact as an ISO 8601 timestamp (e.g., 2000-11-27T09:30:00)
date_unixtime String Optional. Creation date of this contact as a unix timestamp (e.g., 975317400)


Frequent contacts are those that the user is more likely to message frequently. Telegram uses this data to populate the People box at the top of the Search section. This rating is also calculated for inline bots so that the app can suggest the bots the user is most likely to use in the attachment menu (or when they start a new message with @).

Field Type Description
about String Brief description of the data exported herein
list Array of FrequentContact List of all exported frequent contacts

To delete this data, go to Settings > Privacy & Security and disable 'Suggest Frequent Contacts' (requires Telegram for iOS v.4.8.3 or Telegram for Android v.4.8.10 or higher).


This object represents a frequent phone contact.

Field Type Description
id Integer Unique identifier for the user or bot stored in this contact. This number may have more than 32 significant bits and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this identifier.
category String Category of this contact. Currently, must be one of “people”, “inline_bots”, “calls”.
type String Type of this contact. Currently, must be one of “user”, “private_channel”, “private_group”, “private_supergroup”, “public_channel”, “public_supergroup”.
name String Contact's name
rating Float A rating to represent how likely the user is to message this contact. The contact with the highest rating is the most likely to be messaged.


This object contains all session info as shown in Settings > Privacy & Security > Active Sessions.

Field Type Description
about String Brief description of the data exported herein
list Array of Session Array of sessions


This object represents a Telegram session.

Field Type Description
last_active String Last active date of this session as an ISO 8601 timestamp (e.g., 2023-11-13T14:37:50)
last_active_unixtime String Last active date of this session as a unix timestamp (e.g., 1699882670)
last_ip String Last ip that used this session (e.g.,
last_country String Last country where this session was active
last_region String Last region where this session was active
application_name String Application name (e.g., “Telegram Android”)
application_version String Application version (e.g., “10.2.8”)
device_model String Device model (e.g., “Google Pixel 7 Pro”, “Chrome 116”, etc.)
platform String Platform name (e.g., “Windows”, “Android”, etc.)
system_version String System version (e.g., “Windows 11”, “SDK 34”, etc.)
created String Creation date of this session as an ISO 8601 timestamp (e.g., 2022-06-03T19:53:50)
created_unixtime String Creation date of this session as a unix timestamp (e.g., 1654278830)


This object contains all websites where you logged in using authentication via Telegram. This information is shown in Settings > Privacy & Security > Active Sessions.

Field Type Description
about String Brief description of the data exported herein
list Array of WebSession Array of web sessions


This object represents a Telegram login session via web.

Field Type Description
last_active String Last active date of this session as an ISO 8601 timestamp (e.g., 2023-11-13T14:37:50)
last_active_unixtime String Last active date of this session as a unix timestamp (e.g., 1699882670)
last_ip String Last ip that used this session (e.g.,
last_region String Last region where this session was last active
bot_username String Username of the bot used to authenticate this session (e.g., TutorialBot)
domain_name String Authenticated domain (e.g., “”)
browser String Browser used to login (e.g., “Chrome 113”)
platform String Platform used to login (e.g., “Windows”)
created String Creation date of this session as an ISO 8601 timestamp (e.g., 2022-06-03T19:53:50)
created_unixtime String Creation date of this session as a unix timestamp (e.g., 1654278830)


Data such as the user's IP address, history of username and phone number changes.

Field Type Description
about_meta String Brief description of the data exported herein
help String Temporary disclaimer about the fact that OtherData is currently in beta
changes_log Array of ChangeEvent Array of events related to this user (e.g., a username change, phone number change, etc.)
created_stickers Array of StickerPack Array of sticker packs created by the user
drafts Array of CloudDraft Array of cloud drafts
drafts_about String Brief description of cloud drafts
installed_stickers Array of StickerPack Array of sticker packs installed by the user
ips Array of Ip Array of ips this user accessed Telegram from over the last 12 months
email_about String Currently empty


This object represents a Telegram sticker pack. Currently only holds its URL.

Field Type Description
url String URL of this sticker pack


This object represents a cloud draft, that is, a message the user left in the input field of a Telegram chat without sending it.

Field Type Description
chat String Chat identifier in the format <type> #<chat_id>, (e.g., user #12345678, bot #93372553)
chat_name String Chat name (e.g., “BotFather”)
html String Text content of the draft rendered as valid HTML. Formatting in the text is automatically converted to html tags


This object represents an Ip address.

Field Type Description
ip String Ip address


This object represents a change event related to the user (e.g., a username change, name change, password change, etc.).

Field Type Description
app_id Integer Id of the app where the event took place
country String ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country where the event took place
event String Currently, one of “username_change”, “name_change”, “password_change”, “phone_change”
ip String Ip address at the time the event took place
phone_country String ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of the country where the event took place, based on the phone number
session_age String Age of the session where the event took place, in seconds
timestamp Integer Unix timestamp of the event
new_username String Optional. Username after the change. Available for username_change events
old_username String Optional. Username before the change. Available for username_change events
new_name String Optional. Name after the change. Available for name_change events
old_name String Optional. Name before the change. Available for name_change events
new_phone String Optional. Phone number after the change. Available for phone_change events
old_phone String Optional. Phone number before the change. Available for phone_change events
email String Optional. Email before the change. Available for password_change events
new_email String Optional. Email after the change. Available for password_change events
hint String Optional. Password hint. Available for password_change events


This object contains all chats in the export.

Field Type Description
about String Brief description of the data exported herein
list Array of Chat Array of chats


This object contains supergroups and channels that the user left or was banned from.

Field Type Description
about String Brief description of the data exported herein
list Array of Chat Array of chats the user left or was banned from


This object represents a chat.

Field Type Description
id Integer Unique identifier for this chat. This number may have more than 32 significant bits and some programming languages may have difficulty/silent defects in interpreting it. But it has at most 52 significant bits, so a signed 64-bit integer or double-precision float type are safe for storing this identifier.
name String Name of the chat
type String Type of the chat, currently one of “saved_messages”, “replies”, “personal_chat”, “bot_chat”, “private_group”, “private_supergroup”, “public_supergroup”, “private_channel”, or “public_channel”.
messages Array of Message Array of messages in the chat. Note that public group and channel exports will only contain messages sent by the user requesting the export.


This object represents a special entity in a text message. For example, hashtags, usernames, URLs, etc.

Field Type Description
type String Type of the entity. Currently, one of “unknown”, “mention”, “hashtag”, “bot_command”, “link”, “email”, “bold”, “italic”, “code”, “pre”, “plain”, “text_link”, “mention_name”, “phone”, “cashtag”, “underline”, “strikethrough”, “blockquote”, “bank_card”, “spoiler”, “custom_emoji”.
text String Text this entity applies to


This object represents a message.

Field Type Description
id Integer Unique message identifier inside this chat
type String The type is message for regular messages and service for service messages
action String Optional. Service message action. Currently, one of “create_group”, “edit_group_title”, “edit_group_photo”, “delete_group_photo”, “invite_members”, “remove_members”, “join_group_by_link”, “create_channel”, “migrate_to_supergroup”, “migrate_from_group”, “pin_message”, “clear_history”, “score_in_game”, “send_payment”, “phone_call”, “take_screenshot”, “attach_menu_bot_allowed”, “web_app_bot_allowed”, “allow_sending_messages”, “allow_sending_messages”, “send_passport_values”, “joined_telegram”, “proximity_reached”, “requested_phone_number”, “group_call”, “invite_to_group_call”, “set_messages_ttl”, “group_call_scheduled”, “edit_chat_theme”, “join_group_by_request”, “send_webview_data”, “send_premium_gift”, “topic_created”, “topic_edit”, “suggest_profile_photo”, “requested_peer”, “gift_code_prize”, “giveaway_launch”, “set_chat_wallpaper”, “set_same_chat_wallpaper”.
date String Message date as an ISO 8601 timestamp (e.g., 2023-09-03T17:05:43)
date_unixtime String Message date as a unix timestamp (e.g., 1693753543)
from String Name of the message sender. Also available in proximity_reached actions, representing the name of the user or chat that is now in proximity of to.
from_id String Sender id as <type><id>, (e.g., user123456, channel123456, chat123456). Also available in proximity_reached actions, representing the user or chat that is now in proximity of “to_id”.
edited String Optional. Message edit date as an ISO 8601 timestamp (e.g., 2023-09-03T17:05:43)
edited_unixtime String Optional. Message date as a unix timestamp (e.g., 1693753543)
reply_to_message_id Integer Optional. If the message is a reply, ID of the original message
text String or Array of String and MessageEntity Text of the message. String if there are no entities. Otherwise, array of MessageEntity in the order they appear. Note that entities of type “plain” are unwrapped and represented in the array as a single string containing the text. Also holds the text of the keyboardButtonSimpleWebView that was pressed to open the web app in send_webview_data actions.
text_entities Array of MessageEntity Text of the message as an array of MessageEntity in the order they appear. Plain text is represented as an entity of type “plain”
members Array of String Optional. List of members, available for create_group, invite_members, remove_members and invite_to_group_call actions
actor String Optional. Name of the user or entity that performed the action; available if “action” is defined
actor_id String Optional. Id of the user or entity who performed the action; available if “action” is defined. Provided as <type><id> (e.g., user123456, channel123456, group123456)
photo String Optional. Relative path to a photo, if the message is a photo. Also available for compatible actions, currently edit_group_photo and suggest_profile_photo
width String Optional. Media width. Available with compatible media
height String Optional. Media height. Available with compatible media
file String Optional. Relative path to a file, if the message has any compatile media
thumbnail String Optional. Relative path to a media thumbnail, if present
self_destruct_period_seconds Integer Optional. Time to live, in seconds, for this message. Available in self-destructing messages
title String Optional. Chat, topic or music title. Available for create_group, create_channel, migrate_from_group, edit_group_title and topic_edit actions and audio_file media type.
inviter String Optional. Name of the user who created the invite link. Available for join_group_by_link actions
message_id Integer Optional. ID of the message the action refers to. Available for pin_message and set_same_chat_wallpaper.
game_message_id Integer Optional. ID of the game score message. Available for score_in_game actions
score Integer Optional. Game score. Available for score_in_game actions
amount Integer Optional. Price of the product in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a price of US$ 1.45 pass amount = 145. See the exp parameter in currencies.json, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies).
currency String Optional. Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code. Available for send_payment actions
invoice_message_id Integer Optional. ID of the invoice message. Available for send_payment actions
recurring String Optional. Refers to the type of payment in send_payment actions. If available, must be one of used, init.
duration_seconds Integer Optional. Represents a duration. Available for phone_call actions and compatible media
discard_reason String Optional. Reason a call was discarded, available for phone_call actions. If available, must be one of “busy”, “disconnect”, “hangup”, “missed”.
information_text String Optional. Custom action text. See here.
reason_app_id Integer Optional. ID of an app through which we allowed a bot to send us messages. Available for allow_sending_messages actions.
reason_app_name String Optional. Name of an app through which we allowed a bot to send us messages. Available for allow_sending_messages actions.
reason_domain String Optional. Domain through which we authorized a bot to send us messages using the Telegram Login feature. Available for allow_sending_messages actions.
values Array of String Optional. Secure telegram passport value types requested. Available for “send_passport_values” actions. Can contain one or several of “personal_details”, “passport”, “driver_license”, “identity_card”, “internal_passport”, “address_information”, “utility_bill”, “bank_statement”, “rental_agreement”, “passport_registration”, “temporary_registration”, “phone_number”, “email”.
to_id Integer Optional. ID of the user or chat that subscribed to live geolocation proximity alerts. Available for proximity_reached actions.
to String Optional. Name of the user or chat that subscribed to live geolocation proximity alerts. Available for proximity_reached actions.
distance Integer Optional. Distance, in meters (0-100000). Available for proximity_reached actions.
period Integer Optional. New Time-To-Live of all messages sent in this chat; if 0, autodeletion was disabled. Available for set_messages_ttl actions.
schedule_date Integer Optional. When is this group call scheduled to start. Available for group_call_scheduled actions.
emoticon String Optional. Emoji that identifies the chat theme. Available for edit_chat_theme actions
cost Integer Optional. Price of a gifted Telegram Premium subscription in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a price of US$ 1.45 pass amount = 145. See the exp parameter in currencies.json, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies). Available for send_premium_gift actions.
months Integer Optional. Duration of the gifted Telegram Premium subscription. Available for send_premium_gift and gift_code_prize actions
new_title String Optional. New topic title. Available for topic_edit actions
new_icon_emoji_id String Optional. New topic icon emoji id. Available for topic_edit actions
button_id Integer Optional. Button id contained in a keyboardButtonRequestPeer button. Available for requested_peer actions.
peer_id Integer Optional. Shared peer id. Available for requested_peer actions
author String Optional. Name of the author of this message for channel posts with signatures enabled
forwarded_from String Optional. Name of the peer this message was forwarded from
saved_from String Optional. Name of the chat this message was saved from
via_bot String Optional. If the message was sent via a bot, this field stores that bot's username
media_type String Optional. Media type of this message, if any. One of sticker, video_message, voice_message, animation, video_file, audio_file.
performer String Optional. Performer for this media. Available for media_type audio_file
mime_type String Optional. Media mime type. Unavailable for stickers
contact_information Contact Optional. Shared contact
contact_vcard String Optional. Relative path to the contact's exported vcard file
location_information Location Optional. Message is a shared location, information about the location
live_location_period_seconds Integer Optional. For live locations. Indicates how long the location should be shared, in seconds
place_name String Optional. Name of the venue shared by the user
address String Optional. Physical address of the venue shared by the user
game_title String Optional. Title of the HTML5 game sent via this message
game_description String Optional. Description of the HTML5 game sent via this message
game_link String Optional. Link to the HTML5 game sent via this message
invoice_information Invoice Optional. Invoice for a transaction on Telegram
poll Poll Optional. A Telegram poll.
gift_code String Optional. A gift code, available for gift_code_prize actions
boost_peer_id Integer Optional. Identifier of a chat or a user that created the gift code. Available for gift_code_prize actions
unclaimed Boolean Optional. True, if the gift code is unclaimed. Available for gift_code_prize actions
via_giveaway Boolean Optional. True, if the gift code was created for a giveaway. Available for gift_code_prize actions
giveaway_information Giveaway Optional. A Telegram giveaway

Note, media paths may be replaced by a warning depending on your export media size threshold and mediatype exclusion filters.


This object represents a point on the map.

Field Type Description
latitude Float Latitude as defined by the sender
longitude Float Longitude as defined by the sender


This object contains basic information about an invoice.

Field Type Description
title String Invoice title
description String Invoice description
amount Integer Price of the product in the smallest units of the currency (integer, not float/double). For example, for a price of US$ 1.45 pass amount = 145. See the exp parameter in currencies.json, it shows the number of digits past the decimal point for each currency (2 for the majority of currencies).
currency String Three-letter ISO 4217 currency code
receipt_message_id Integer Optional. Receipt message id


This object represents a Telegram poll.

Field Type Description
question String Poll question, 1-300 characters
closed String Equals “true” if the poll is closed, “false” otherwise.
total_voters Integer Total voters in the poll
answers Array of PollAnswer Array of poll answers


This object represents an answer to a Telegram poll.

Field Type Description
text String Answer text, 1-100 characters
voters Integer How many people voted for this answer
chosen String Equals “true” if the user chose this answer, “false” otherwise.


This object represents a Telegram giveaway.

Field Type Description
quantity Integer Total number of subscriptions distributed as part of this giveaway
months Integer Duration, in months, of a subscription won via this giveaway
until_date String The date when the giveaway ends. ISO 8601 timestamp (e.g., 2023-11-13T14:37:50)
channels Array of Integer Array of channel ids participating in the giveaway

And that's all for the current version of the export! For a more in-depth look or to make changes, feel free to consult the open source Telegram Desktop client code, as well as our detailed core API schema.