
Withdraw funds from a channel or bot's star balance ».

 Method schema is available as of layer 182. Switch »


Name Type Description
peer InputPeer Channel or bot from which to withdraw funds.
stars long Amount of stars to withdraw.
password InputCheckPasswordSRP 2FA password, see here » for more info.



Possible errors

Code Type Description
400 PASSWORD_HASH_INVALID The provided password hash is invalid.
400 PASSWORD_MISSING You must enable 2FA before executing this operation.
400 PASSWORD_TOO_FRESH_%d The password was modified less than 24 hours ago, try again in %d seconds.

Related pages

Two-factor authentication

How to login to a user's account if they have enabled 2FA, how to change password.

Telegram Stars

Telegram Stars are virtual items that allow users to purchase digital goods and services from bots and mini apps inside the Telegram ecosystem, send gifts to content creators on the Telegram platform, and more.