List of all members | Public Fields | Public Instance Methods | Static Public Attributes
supergroupFullInfo Class Referencefinal

Inherits Object.


Contains full information about a supergroup or channel.

Public Fields

object_ptr< chatPhotophoto_
 Chat photo; may be null if empty or unknown. If non-null, then it is the same photo as in
string description_
 Supergroup or channel description.
int32 member_count_
 Number of members in the supergroup or channel; 0 if unknown.
int32 administrator_count_
 Number of privileged users in the supergroup or channel; 0 if unknown.
int32 restricted_count_
 Number of restricted users in the supergroup; 0 if unknown.
int32 banned_count_
 Number of users banned from chat; 0 if unknown.
int53 linked_chat_id_
 Chat identifier of a discussion group for the channel, or a channel, for which the supergroup is the designated discussion group; 0 if none or unknown.
int32 slow_mode_delay_
 Delay between consecutive sent messages for non-administrator supergroup members, in seconds.
double slow_mode_delay_expires_in_
 Time left before next message can be sent in the supergroup, in seconds. An updateSupergroupFullInfo update is not triggered when value of this field changes, but both new and old values are non-zero.
bool can_enable_paid_reaction_
 True, if paid reaction can be enabled in the channel chat; for channels only.
bool can_get_members_
 True, if members of the chat can be retrieved via getSupergroupMembers or searchChatMembers.
bool has_hidden_members_
 True, if non-administrators can receive only administrators and bots using getSupergroupMembers or searchChatMembers.
bool can_hide_members_
 True, if non-administrators and non-bots can be hidden in responses to getSupergroupMembers and searchChatMembers for non-administrators.
bool can_set_sticker_set_
 True, if the supergroup sticker set can be changed.
bool can_set_location_
 True, if the supergroup location can be changed.
bool can_get_statistics_
 True, if the supergroup or channel statistics are available.
bool can_get_revenue_statistics_
 True, if the supergroup or channel revenue statistics are available.
bool can_get_star_revenue_statistics_
 True, if the supergroup or channel Telegram Star revenue statistics are available.
bool can_toggle_aggressive_anti_spam_
 True, if aggressive anti-spam checks can be enabled or disabled in the supergroup.
bool is_all_history_available_
 True, if new chat members will have access to old messages. In public, discussion, of forum groups and all channels, old messages are always available, so this option affects only private non-forum supergroups without a linked chat. The value of this field is only available to chat administrators.
bool can_have_sponsored_messages_
 True, if the chat can have sponsored messages. The value of this field is only available to the owner of the chat.
bool has_aggressive_anti_spam_enabled_
 True, if aggressive anti-spam checks are enabled in the supergroup. The value of this field is only available to chat administrators.
bool has_paid_media_allowed_
 True, if paid media can be sent and forwarded to the channel chat; for channels only.
bool has_pinned_stories_
 True, if the supergroup or channel has pinned stories.
int32 my_boost_count_
 Number of times the current user boosted the supergroup or channel.
int32 unrestrict_boost_count_
 Number of times the supergroup must be boosted by a user to ignore slow mode and chat permission restrictions; 0 if unspecified.
int64 sticker_set_id_
 Identifier of the supergroup sticker set that must be shown before user sticker sets; 0 if none.
int64 custom_emoji_sticker_set_id_
 Identifier of the custom emoji sticker set that can be used in the supergroup without Telegram Premium subscription; 0 if none.
object_ptr< chatLocationlocation_
 Location to which the supergroup is connected; may be null if none.
object_ptr< chatInviteLinkinvite_link_
 Primary invite link for the chat; may be null. For chat administrators with can_invite_users right only.
array< object_ptr< botCommands > > bot_commands_
 List of commands of bots in the group.
int53 upgraded_from_basic_group_id_
 Identifier of the basic group from which supergroup was upgraded; 0 if none.
int53 upgraded_from_max_message_id_
 Identifier of the last message in the basic group from which supergroup was upgraded; 0 if none.

Public Instance Methods

 supergroupFullInfo ()
 supergroupFullInfo (object_ptr< chatPhoto > &&photo_, string const &description_, int32 member_count_, int32 administrator_count_, int32 restricted_count_, int32 banned_count_, int53 linked_chat_id_, int32 slow_mode_delay_, double slow_mode_delay_expires_in_, bool can_enable_paid_reaction_, bool can_get_members_, bool has_hidden_members_, bool can_hide_members_, bool can_set_sticker_set_, bool can_set_location_, bool can_get_statistics_, bool can_get_revenue_statistics_, bool can_get_star_revenue_statistics_, bool can_toggle_aggressive_anti_spam_, bool is_all_history_available_, bool can_have_sponsored_messages_, bool has_aggressive_anti_spam_enabled_, bool has_paid_media_allowed_, bool has_pinned_stories_, int32 my_boost_count_, int32 unrestrict_boost_count_, int64 sticker_set_id_, int64 custom_emoji_sticker_set_id_, object_ptr< chatLocation > &&location_, object_ptr< chatInviteLink > &&invite_link_, array< object_ptr< botCommands >> &&bot_commands_, int53 upgraded_from_basic_group_id_, int53 upgraded_from_max_message_id_)
void store (TlStorerToString &s, const char *field_name) const final
- Public Instance Methods inherited from TlObject
virtual void store (TlStorerUnsafe &s) const
virtual void store (TlStorerCalcLength &s) const
 TlObject ()=default
 TlObject (const TlObject &)=delete
TlObjectoperator= (const TlObject &)=delete
 TlObject (TlObject &&)=default
TlObjectoperator= (TlObject &&)=default
virtual ~TlObject ()=default

Static Public Attributes

static const std::int32_t ID = 1718501070
 Identifier uniquely determining a type of the object.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ supergroupFullInfo() [1/2]

Contains full information about a supergroup or channel.

◆ supergroupFullInfo() [2/2]

supergroupFullInfo ( object_ptr< chatPhoto > &&  photo_,
string const &  description_,
int32  member_count_,
int32  administrator_count_,
int32  restricted_count_,
int32  banned_count_,
int53  linked_chat_id_,
int32  slow_mode_delay_,
double  slow_mode_delay_expires_in_,
bool  can_enable_paid_reaction_,
bool  can_get_members_,
bool  has_hidden_members_,
bool  can_hide_members_,
bool  can_set_sticker_set_,
bool  can_set_location_,
bool  can_get_statistics_,
bool  can_get_revenue_statistics_,
bool  can_get_star_revenue_statistics_,
bool  can_toggle_aggressive_anti_spam_,
bool  is_all_history_available_,
bool  can_have_sponsored_messages_,
bool  has_aggressive_anti_spam_enabled_,
bool  has_paid_media_allowed_,
bool  has_pinned_stories_,
int32  my_boost_count_,
int32  unrestrict_boost_count_,
int64  sticker_set_id_,
int64  custom_emoji_sticker_set_id_,
object_ptr< chatLocation > &&  location_,
object_ptr< chatInviteLink > &&  invite_link_,
array< object_ptr< botCommands >> &&  bot_commands_,
int53  upgraded_from_basic_group_id_,
int53  upgraded_from_max_message_id_ 

Contains full information about a supergroup or channel.

[in]photo_Chat photo; may be null if empty or unknown. If non-null, then it is the same photo as in
[in]description_Supergroup or channel description.
[in]member_count_Number of members in the supergroup or channel; 0 if unknown.
[in]administrator_count_Number of privileged users in the supergroup or channel; 0 if unknown.
[in]restricted_count_Number of restricted users in the supergroup; 0 if unknown.
[in]banned_count_Number of users banned from chat; 0 if unknown.
[in]linked_chat_id_Chat identifier of a discussion group for the channel, or a channel, for which the supergroup is the designated discussion group; 0 if none or unknown.
[in]slow_mode_delay_Delay between consecutive sent messages for non-administrator supergroup members, in seconds.
[in]slow_mode_delay_expires_in_Time left before next message can be sent in the supergroup, in seconds. An updateSupergroupFullInfo update is not triggered when value of this field changes, but both new and old values are non-zero.
[in]can_enable_paid_reaction_True, if paid reaction can be enabled in the channel chat; for channels only.
[in]can_get_members_True, if members of the chat can be retrieved via getSupergroupMembers or searchChatMembers.
[in]has_hidden_members_True, if non-administrators can receive only administrators and bots using getSupergroupMembers or searchChatMembers.
[in]can_hide_members_True, if non-administrators and non-bots can be hidden in responses to getSupergroupMembers and searchChatMembers for non-administrators.
[in]can_set_sticker_set_True, if the supergroup sticker set can be changed.
[in]can_set_location_True, if the supergroup location can be changed.
[in]can_get_statistics_True, if the supergroup or channel statistics are available.
[in]can_get_revenue_statistics_True, if the supergroup or channel revenue statistics are available.
[in]can_get_star_revenue_statistics_True, if the supergroup or channel Telegram Star revenue statistics are available.
[in]can_toggle_aggressive_anti_spam_True, if aggressive anti-spam checks can be enabled or disabled in the supergroup.
[in]is_all_history_available_True, if new chat members will have access to old messages. In public, discussion, of forum groups and all channels, old messages are always available, so this option affects only private non-forum supergroups without a linked chat. The value of this field is only available to chat administrators.
[in]can_have_sponsored_messages_True, if the chat can have sponsored messages. The value of this field is only available to the owner of the chat.
[in]has_aggressive_anti_spam_enabled_True, if aggressive anti-spam checks are enabled in the supergroup. The value of this field is only available to chat administrators.
[in]has_paid_media_allowed_True, if paid media can be sent and forwarded to the channel chat; for channels only.
[in]has_pinned_stories_True, if the supergroup or channel has pinned stories.
[in]my_boost_count_Number of times the current user boosted the supergroup or channel.
[in]unrestrict_boost_count_Number of times the supergroup must be boosted by a user to ignore slow mode and chat permission restrictions; 0 if unspecified.
[in]sticker_set_id_Identifier of the supergroup sticker set that must be shown before user sticker sets; 0 if none.
[in]custom_emoji_sticker_set_id_Identifier of the custom emoji sticker set that can be used in the supergroup without Telegram Premium subscription; 0 if none.
[in]location_Location to which the supergroup is connected; may be null if none.
[in]invite_link_Primary invite link for the chat; may be null. For chat administrators with can_invite_users right only.
[in]bot_commands_List of commands of bots in the group.
[in]upgraded_from_basic_group_id_Identifier of the basic group from which supergroup was upgraded; 0 if none.
[in]upgraded_from_max_message_id_Identifier of the last message in the basic group from which supergroup was upgraded; 0 if none.

Method Documentation

◆ store()

void store ( TlStorerToString &  s,
const char *  field_name 
) const

Helper function for to_string method. Appends string representation of the object to the storer.

[in]sStorer to which object string representation will be appended.
[in]field_nameObject field_name if applicable.

Implements TlObject.

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