Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- f -
- fact_check_
: message
, updateMessageFactCheck
- factCheck()
: factCheck
- failed_to_add_members_
: createdBasicGroupChat
, failedToAddMembers
- failedToAddMember()
: failedToAddMember
- failedToAddMembers()
: failedToAddMembers
- fallback_url_
: internalLinkTypeInstantView
- FatalErrorCallbackPtr
: Log
- feature_
: businessFeaturePromotionAnimation
, premiumFeaturePromotionAnimation
, premiumSourceBusinessFeature
, premiumSourceFeature
, premiumSourceStoryFeature
, viewPremiumFeature
- features_
: businessFeatures
, chatBoostFeatures
, premiumFeatures
- feedback_link_
: webPageInstantView
- few_value_
: languagePackStringValuePluralized
- field_name_
: inputPassportElementErrorSourceDataField
, passportElementErrorSourceDataField
- file()
: file
- file_
: animatedChatPhoto
, datedFile
, preliminaryUploadFile
, thumbnail
, updateFile
- file_count_
: storageStatisticsFast
- file_download_
: updateFileAddedToDownloads
- file_hash_
: inputPassportElementErrorSourceFile
, inputPassportElementErrorSourceFrontSide
, inputPassportElementErrorSourceReverseSide
, inputPassportElementErrorSourceSelfie
, inputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile
- file_hashes_
: inputPassportElementErrorSourceFiles
, inputPassportElementErrorSourceTranslationFiles
- file_id_
: addFileToDownloads
, cancelDownloadFile
, cancelPreliminaryUploadFile
, deleteFile
, downloadFile
, editBotMediaPreview
, fileDownload
, getAttachedStickerSets
, getFile
, getFileDownloadedPrefixSize
, getSuggestedFileName
, readFilePart
, removeFileFromDownloads
, reportChatPhoto
, toggleDownloadIsPaused
, updateFileDownload
, updateFileRemovedFromDownloads
- file_ids_
: deleteBotMediaPreviews
, reorderBotMediaPreviews
- file_index_
: passportElementErrorSourceFile
, passportElementErrorSourceTranslationFile
- file_name_
: animation
, audio
, cleanFileName
, document
, getFileMimeType
, video
- file_type_
: getRemoteFile
, networkStatisticsEntryFile
, preliminaryUploadFile
, storageStatisticsByFileType
- file_types_
: optimizeStorage
- fileDownload()
: fileDownload
- fileDownloadedPrefixSize()
: fileDownloadedPrefixSize
- filePart()
: filePart
- files_
: encryptedPassportElement
, foundFileDownloads
, inputPersonalDocument
, personalDocument
- files_directory_
: setTdlibParameters
- files_size_
: storageStatisticsFast
- fileTypeAnimation()
: fileTypeAnimation
- fileTypeAudio()
: fileTypeAudio
- fileTypeDocument()
: fileTypeDocument
- fileTypeNone()
: fileTypeNone
- fileTypeNotificationSound()
: fileTypeNotificationSound
- fileTypePhoto()
: fileTypePhoto
- fileTypePhotoStory()
: fileTypePhotoStory
- fileTypeProfilePhoto()
: fileTypeProfilePhoto
- fileTypeSecret()
: fileTypeSecret
- fileTypeSecretThumbnail()
: fileTypeSecretThumbnail
- fileTypeSecure()
: fileTypeSecure
- fileTypeSticker()
: fileTypeSticker
- fileTypeThumbnail()
: fileTypeThumbnail
- fileTypeUnknown()
: fileTypeUnknown
- fileTypeVideo()
: fileTypeVideo
- fileTypeVideoNote()
: fileTypeVideoNote
- fileTypeVideoStory()
: fileTypeVideoStory
- fileTypeVoiceNote()
: fileTypeVoiceNote
- fileTypeWallpaper()
: fileTypeWallpaper
- fill_
: backgroundTypeFill
, backgroundTypePattern
- filter_
: getChatMessageCalendar
, getChatMessageCount
, getChatMessagePosition
, getChatSparseMessagePositions
, getSupergroupMembers
, searchChatMembers
, searchChatMessages
, searchMessages
, searchSecretMessages
- filters_
: getChatEventLog
- final_state_
: messageDice
- finishFileGeneration()
: finishFileGeneration
- firebase_authentication_settings_
: phoneNumberAuthenticationSettings
- firebaseAuthenticationSettingsAndroid()
: firebaseAuthenticationSettingsAndroid
- firebaseAuthenticationSettingsIos()
: firebaseAuthenticationSettingsIos
- firebaseDeviceVerificationParametersPlayIntegrity()
: firebaseDeviceVerificationParametersPlayIntegrity
- firebaseDeviceVerificationParametersSafetyNet()
: firebaseDeviceVerificationParametersSafetyNet
- first_letter_
: authenticationCodeTypeSmsWord
- first_message_
: quickReplyShortcut
- first_name_
: contact
, personalDetails
, registerUser
, setName
, sharedUser
, user
- first_send_date_
: gift
- first_word_
: authenticationCodeTypeSmsPhrase
- fitzpatrick_type_
: animatedEmoji
- folder_
: createChatFolder
, editChatFolder
, getChatFolderChatCount
, getChatFolderDefaultIconName
, recommendedChatFolder
- footer_
: pageBlockFooter
- for_album_
: getMessageEmbeddingCode
, getMessageLink
, messageLinkInfo
- for_dark_theme_
: deleteDefaultBackground
, getInstalledBackgrounds
, setDefaultBackground
, updateDefaultBackground
- for_import_
: createNewSupergroupChat
- force_
: createBasicGroupChat
, createPrivateChat
, createSupergroupChat
, setGameScore
, setInlineGameScore
- force_full_
: getWebPageInstantView
- force_large_media_
: linkPreviewOptions
- force_quiz_
: keyboardButtonTypeRequestPoll
- force_read_
: viewMessages
- force_regular_
: keyboardButtonTypeRequestPoll
- force_small_media_
: linkPreviewOptions
- form_id_
: chatInviteLinkSubscriptionInfo
- format_
: inputSticker
, setStickerSetThumbnail
, sticker
, thumbnail
- formatted_phone_number_
: phoneNumberInfo
- formattedText()
: formattedText
- forum_changes_
: chatEventLogFilters
- forumTopic()
: forumTopic
- forumTopicIcon()
: forumTopicIcon
- forumTopicInfo()
: forumTopicInfo
- forumTopics()
: forumTopics
- forward_count_
: chatStatisticsInteractionInfo
, messageInteractionInfo
, storyInteractionInfo
- forward_info_
: message
- forward_limit_
: addChatMember
- forward_text_
: inlineKeyboardButtonTypeLoginUrl
- forwardMessages()
: forwardMessages
- forwards_
: publicForwards
- forwardSource()
: forwardSource
- foundChatBoosts()
: foundChatBoosts
- foundChatMessages()
: foundChatMessages
- foundFileDownloads()
: foundFileDownloads
- foundMessages()
: foundMessages
- foundPosition()
: foundPosition
- foundPositions()
: foundPositions
- foundStories()
: foundStories
- foundUsers()
: foundUsers
- foundWebApp()
: foundWebApp
- from_background_
: messageSendOptions
- from_cache_
: updateDeleteMessages
- from_chat_id_
: forwardMessages
, inputMessageForwarded
- from_event_id_
: getChatEventLog
- from_fullscreen_
: clickChatSponsoredMessage
- from_message_id_
: getChatHistory
, getChatMessageCalendar
, getChatSparseMessagePositions
, getMessageThreadHistory
, getSavedMessagesTopicHistory
, searchChatMessages
, searchSavedMessages
- from_story_full_id_
: sendStory
- from_story_id_
: getChatArchivedStories
, getChatPostedToChatPageStories
- from_user_id_
: messageChatSetMessageAutoDeleteTime
- front_side_
: encryptedPassportElement
, identityDocument
, inputIdentityDocument
- full_type_
: sticker
- function
: Client::Request