Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- o -
- object
: Client::Response
, ClientManager::Response
- object_type_
: chatStatisticsInteractionInfo
- offline_only_
: businessAwayMessageSettings
- offset_
: downloadFile
, getBlockedMessageSenders
, getChatBoosts
, getChatHistory
, getChatRevenueTransactions
, getChatStoryInteractions
, getConnectedAffiliatePrograms
, getFileDownloadedPrefixSize
, getGrossingWebAppBots
, getInlineQueryResults
, getMessageAddedReactions
, getMessagePublicForwards
, getMessageThreadHistory
, getPollVoters
, getReceivedGifts
, getSavedMessagesTopicHistory
, getStarSubscriptions
, getStarTransactions
, getStoryInteractions
, getStoryPublicForwards
, getSupergroupMembers
, getTrendingStickerSets
, getUserProfilePhotos
, readFilePart
, searchAffiliatePrograms
, searchCallMessages
, searchChatMessages
, searchFileDownloads
, searchMessages
, searchPublicMessagesByTag
, searchPublicStoriesByLocation
, searchPublicStoriesByTag
, searchPublicStoriesByVenue
, searchSavedMessages
, searchSecretMessages
, searchStickers
, textEntity
, updateNewInlineQuery
, writeGeneratedFilePart
- offset_chat_id_
: getGroupsInCommon
- offset_date_
: getChatInviteLinks
, getForumTopics
- offset_invite_link_
: getChatInviteLinks
- offset_member_
: getChatInviteLinkMembers
- offset_message_id_
: getForumTopics
- offset_message_thread_id_
: getForumTopics
- offset_request_
: getChatJoinRequests
- offset_sticker_set_id_
: getArchivedStickerSets
, getOwnedStickerSets
- ok()
: ok
- old_accent_color_id_
: chatEventAccentColorChanged
- old_available_reactions_
: chatEventAvailableReactionsChanged
- old_background_
: chatEventBackgroundChanged
- old_background_custom_emoji_id_
: chatEventAccentColorChanged
- old_background_message_id_
: messageChatSetBackground
- old_chat_member_
: updateChatMember
- old_description_
: chatEventDescriptionChanged
- old_emoji_status_
: chatEventEmojiStatusChanged
- old_invite_link_
: chatEventInviteLinkEdited
- old_linked_chat_id_
: chatEventLinkedChatChanged
- old_location_
: chatEventLocationChanged
- old_message_
: chatEventMessageEdited
- old_message_auto_delete_time_
: chatEventMessageAutoDeleteTimeChanged
- old_message_id_
: updateMessageSendFailed
, updateMessageSendSucceeded
- old_password_
: setPassword
- old_permissions_
: chatEventPermissionsChanged
- old_photo_
: chatEventPhotoChanged
- old_profile_accent_color_id_
: chatEventProfileAccentColorChanged
- old_profile_background_custom_emoji_id_
: chatEventProfileAccentColorChanged
- old_reaction_types_
: updateMessageReaction
- old_slow_mode_delay_
: chatEventSlowModeDelayChanged
- old_status_
: chatEventMemberPromoted
, chatEventMemberRestricted
, chatEventMemberSubscriptionExtended
- old_sticker_
: replaceStickerInSet
- old_sticker_set_id_
: chatEventCustomEmojiStickerSetChanged
, chatEventStickerSetChanged
- old_story_id_
: updateStorySendSucceeded
- old_title_
: chatEventTitleChanged
- old_topic_info_
: chatEventForumTopicEdited
, chatEventForumTopicPinned
- old_username_
: chatEventUsernameChanged
- old_usernames_
: chatEventActiveUsernamesChanged
- on_error()
: TdCallback
- on_result()
: TdCallback
- one_time_
: replyMarkupShowKeyboard
- one_value_
: languagePackStringValuePluralized
- online_member_count_
: updateChatOnlineMemberCount
- only_active_
: removeAllFilesFromDownloads
, searchFileDownloads
- only_check_
: shareChatWithBot
, shareUsersWithBot
- only_completed_
: removeAllFilesFromDownloads
, searchFileDownloads
- only_contacts_
: getStoryInteractions
- only_current_
: getNetworkStatistics
- only_expiring_
: getStarSubscriptions
- only_for_self_
: messageChatSetBackground
, pinChatMessage
, setChatBackground
- only_gift_codes_
: getChatBoosts
- only_if_pending_
: cancelDownloadFile
- only_local_
: canSendMessageToUser
, getChatHistory
, getLocalizationTargetInfo
, getStory
, searchUserByPhoneNumber
- only_missed_
: searchCallMessages
- only_new_members_
: giveawayParameters
, messageGiveawayWinners
- only_preview_
: messageSendOptions
- only_with_expired_subscription_
: getChatInviteLinkMembers
- open_period_
: inputMessagePoll
, poll
- open_profile_
: internalLinkTypePublicChat
, internalLinkTypeUserPhoneNumber
- openBotSimilarBot()
: openBotSimilarBot
- openChat()
: openChat
- openChatSimilarChat()
: openChatSimilarChat
- opened_bot_user_id_
: openBotSimilarBot
- opened_chat_id_
: openChatSimilarChat
- opening_hours_
: businessInfo
, businessOpeningHours
, setBusinessOpeningHours
- openMessageContent()
: openMessageContent
- openStory()
: openStory
- openWebApp()
: openWebApp
- operator=()
: Client
, ClientActor
, ClientManager
, TlObject
- optimizeStorage()
: optimizeStorage
- option_id_
: getPollVoters
, reportChat
, reportChatResultTextRequired
, reportChatSponsoredMessage
, reportStory
, reportStoryResultTextRequired
- option_ids_
: setPollAnswer
, updatePollAnswer
- Options()
: ClientActor::Options
- options_
: forwardMessages
, inputMessagePoll
, poll
, premiumGiftCodePaymentOptions
, reportChatResultOptionRequired
, reportChatSponsoredMessageResultOptionRequired
, reportStoryResultOptionRequired
, sendInlineQueryResultMessage
, sendMessage
, sendMessageAlbum
, starGiveawayPaymentOptions
, starPaymentOptions
- optionValueBoolean()
: optionValueBoolean
- optionValueEmpty()
: optionValueEmpty
- optionValueInteger()
: optionValueInteger
- optionValueString()
: optionValueString
- order_
: chatActiveStories
, chatPosition
, groupCallParticipant
, savedMessagesTopic
- order_info_
: messagePaymentSuccessfulBot
, paymentReceiptTypeRegular
, updateNewPreCheckoutQuery
, validateOrderInfo
- order_info_id_
: sendPaymentForm
, validatedOrderInfo
- orderInfo()
: orderInfo
- organization_name_
: botVerificationParameters
- origin_
: messageForwardInfo
, messageReplyToMessage
, storyRepostInfo
- origin_send_date_
: messageReplyToMessage
- original_details_
: upgradedGift
- original_path_
: inputFileGenerated
, updateFileGenerationStart
- other_user_ids_
: registerDevice
, requestQrCodeAuthentication
- other_value_
: languagePackStringValuePluralized
- outgoing_message_accent_color_
: themeSettings
- outgoing_message_fill_
: themeSettings
- outline()
: outline
- owner_address_
: upgradedGift
- owner_id_
: getReceivedGifts
, getStarAdAccountUrl
, getStarRevenueStatistics
, getStarTransactions
, getStarWithdrawalUrl
, messagePaymentRefunded
, sendGift
, starTransactionTypeGiftPurchase
, starTransactionTypeGiftTransfer
, updateStarRevenueStatus
, upgradedGift
- owner_name_
: upgradedGift