
Contains info about a bot business connection.

botBusinessConnection#896433b4 flags:# can_reply:flags.0?true disabled:flags.1?true connection_id:string user_id:long dc_id:int date:int = BotBusinessConnection;


Name Type Description
flags # Flags, see TL conditional fields
can_reply flags.0?true Whether the bot can reply on behalf of the user to messages it receives through the business connection
disabled flags.1?true Whether this business connection is currently disabled
connection_id string Business connection ID, used to identify messages coming from the connection and to reply to them as specified here ».
user_id long ID of the user that the bot is connected to via this connection.
dc_id int ID of the datacenter where to send queries wrapped in a invokeWithBusinessConnection as specified here ».
date int When was the connection created.



Related pages


Users can turn their Telegram account into a business account, gaining access to business features such as opening hours, location, quick replies, automated messages, custom start pages, chatbot support, and more.


Invoke a method using a Telegram Business Bot connection, see here » for more info, including a list of the methods that can be wrapped in this constructor.

Make sure to always send queries wrapped in a invokeWithBusinessConnection to the datacenter ID, specified in the dc_id field of the botBusinessConnection that is being used.

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