
Specifies options that must be used to generate the link preview for the message, or even a standalone link preview without an attached message.

botInlineMessageMediaWebPage#809ad9a6 flags:# invert_media:flags.3?true force_large_media:flags.4?true force_small_media:flags.5?true manual:flags.7?true safe:flags.8?true message:string entities:flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> url:string reply_markup:flags.2?ReplyMarkup = BotInlineMessage;


Name Type Description
flags # Flags, see TL conditional fields
invert_media flags.3?true If set, any eventual webpage preview will be shown on top of the message instead of at the bottom.
force_large_media flags.4?true If set, specifies that a large media preview should be used.
force_small_media flags.5?true If set, specifies that a small media preview should be used.
manual flags.7?true If set, indicates that the URL used for the webpage preview was specified manually using inputMediaWebPage, and may not be related to any of the URLs specified in the message.
safe flags.8?true If set, the link can be opened directly without user confirmation.
message string The message, can be empty.
entities flags.1?Vector<MessageEntity> Message entities for styled text
url string The URL to use for the link preview.
reply_markup flags.2?ReplyMarkup Reply markup for sending bot buttons



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Specifies options that will be used to generate the link preview for the caption, or even a standalone link preview without an attached message.

Styled text with message entities

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