
Star revenue statistics, see here » for more info.

Note that all balances and currency amounts and graph values are in Stars.

payments.starsRevenueStats#c92bb73b revenue_graph:StatsGraph status:StarsRevenueStatus usd_rate:double = payments.StarsRevenueStats;


payments.getStarsRevenueStats#d91ffad6 flags:# dark:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer = payments.StarsRevenueStats;


Constructor Description
payments.starsRevenueStats Star revenue statistics, see here » for more info.

Note that all balances and currency amounts and graph values are in Stars.


Method Description
payments.getStarsRevenueStats Get Telegram Star revenue statistics ».

Related pages

Telegram Stars

Telegram Stars are virtual items that allow users to purchase digital goods and services from bots and mini apps inside the Telegram ecosystem, send gifts to content creators on the Telegram platform, and more.