
Object describes the file type.

storage.fileUnknown#aa963b05 = storage.FileType;
storage.filePartial#40bc6f52 = storage.FileType;
storage.fileJpeg#7efe0e = storage.FileType;
storage.fileGif#cae1aadf = storage.FileType;
storage.filePng#a4f63c0 = storage.FileType;
storage.filePdf#ae1e508d = storage.FileType;
storage.fileMp3#528a0677 = storage.FileType;
storage.fileMov#4b09ebbc = storage.FileType;
storage.fileMp4#b3cea0e4 = storage.FileType;
storage.fileWebp#1081464c = storage.FileType;


Constructor Description
storage.fileUnknown Unknown type.
storage.filePartial Part of a bigger file.
storage.fileJpeg JPEG image. MIME type: image/jpeg.
storage.fileGif GIF image. MIME type: image/gif.
storage.filePng PNG image. MIME type: image/png.
storage.filePdf PDF document image. MIME type: application/pdf.
storage.fileMp3 Mp3 audio. MIME type: audio/mpeg.
storage.fileMov Quicktime video. MIME type: video/quicktime.
storage.fileMp4 MPEG-4 video. MIME type: video/mp4.
storage.fileWebp WEBP image. MIME type: image/webp.
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