
Used to download an album cover for any music file using upload.getWebFile, see the webfile docs for more info ».

Constructor schema is available as of layer 144. Switch »


Name Type Description
flags # Flags, see TL conditional fields
small flags.2?true Used to return a thumbnail with 100x100 resolution (instead of the default 600x600)
document flags.0?InputDocument The audio file in question: must NOT be provided in secret chats, provide the title and performer fields instead.
title flags.1?string Song title: should only be used in secret chats, in normal chats provide document instead, as it has more lax rate limits.
performer flags.1?string Song performer: should only be used in secret chats, in normal chats provide document instead, as it has more lax rate limits.



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Returns content of a web file, by proxying the request through telegram, see the webfile docs for more info.

Note: the query must be sent to the DC specified in the webfile_dc_id MTProto configuration field.

Uploading and Downloading Files

How to transfer large data batches correctly.

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