Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- l -
- label_
: labeledPricePart
, pageBlockListItem
, savedMessagesTag
, setSavedMessagesTagLabel
- labeledPricePart()
: labeledPricePart
- language_
: pageBlockPreformatted
, textEntityTypePreCode
- language_code_
: addBotMediaPreview
, deleteBotMediaPreviews
, deleteCommands
, editBotMediaPreview
, getBotInfoDescription
, getBotInfoShortDescription
, getBotMediaPreviewInfo
, getBotName
, getCommands
, getEmojiSuggestionsUrl
, getPhoneNumberInfoSync
, reorderBotMediaPreviews
, setBotInfoDescription
, setBotInfoShortDescription
, setBotName
, setCommands
, user
- language_codes_
: botMediaPreviewInfo
- language_graph_
: chatStatisticsChannel
, chatStatisticsSupergroup
- language_pack_database_path_
: getLanguagePackString
- language_pack_database_size_
: storageStatisticsFast
- language_pack_id_
: addCustomServerLanguagePack
, deleteLanguagePack
, getLanguagePackInfo
, getLanguagePackString
, getLanguagePackStrings
, internalLinkTypeLanguagePack
, setCustomLanguagePackString
, synchronizeLanguagePack
, updateLanguagePackStrings
- language_packs_
: localizationTargetInfo
- languagePackInfo()
: languagePackInfo
- languagePackString()
: languagePackString
- languagePackStrings()
: languagePackStrings
- languagePackStringValueDeleted()
: languagePackStringValueDeleted
- languagePackStringValueOrdinary()
: languagePackStringValueOrdinary
- languagePackStringValuePluralized()
: languagePackStringValuePluralized
- last_active_date_
: connectedWebsite
, session
- last_message_
: chat
, forumTopic
, savedMessagesTopic
, updateChatLastMessage
- last_message_id_
: messageReplyInfo
- last_name_
: contact
, personalDetails
, registerUser
, setName
, sharedUser
, user
- last_read_inbox_message_id_
: chat
, forumTopic
, messageReplyInfo
, updateChatReadInbox
- last_read_outbox_message_id_
: chat
, forumTopic
, messageReplyInfo
, updateChatReadOutbox
- last_send_date_
: gift
- last_transaction_id_
: premiumStatePaymentOption
- last_used_date_
: proxy
- latitude_
: location
- launch_id_
: webAppInfo
- launchPrepaidGiveaway()
: launchPrepaidGiveaway
- layer_
: secretChat
- leave_chat_ids_
: deleteChatFolder
- leaveChat()
: leaveChat
- leaveGroupCall()
: leaveGroupCall
- left_count_
: updateSpeechRecognitionTrial
- left_reel_
: diceStickersSlotMachine
- length_
: animatedChatPhoto
, authenticationCodeTypeCall
, authenticationCodeTypeFirebaseAndroid
, authenticationCodeTypeFirebaseIos
, authenticationCodeTypeFragment
, authenticationCodeTypeMissedCall
, authenticationCodeTypeSms
, authenticationCodeTypeTelegramMessage
, emailAddressAuthenticationCodeInfo
, inputMessageVideoNote
, textEntity
, videoNote
- level_
: chatBoostLevelFeatures
, chatBoostStatus
, getChatBoostLevelFeatures
- lever_
: diceStickersSlotMachine
- library_versions_
: callProtocol
- light_color_
: attachmentMenuBotColor
- light_settings_
: chatTheme
- light_theme_colors_
: accentColor
, profileAccentColor
- limit_
: downloadFile
, getArchivedStickerSets
, getBlockedMessageSenders
, getChatArchivedStories
, getChatBoosts
, getChatEventLog
, getChatHistory
, getChatInviteLinkMembers
, getChatInviteLinks
, getChatJoinRequests
, getChatPostedToChatPageStories
, getChatRevenueTransactions
, getChats
, getChatSparseMessagePositions
, getChatStoryInteractions
, getConnectedAffiliatePrograms
, getForumTopics
, getGrossingWebAppBots
, getGroupsInCommon
, getMessageAddedReactions
, getMessagePublicForwards
, getMessageThreadHistory
, getOwnedStickerSets
, getPollVoters
, getPremiumStickers
, getReceivedGifts
, getRecentlyOpenedChats
, getSavedMessagesTopicHistory
, getSearchedForTags
, getStarTransactions
, getStickers
, getStoryInteractions
, getStoryPublicForwards
, getSupergroupMembers
, getTopChats
, getTrendingStickerSets
, getUserProfilePhotos
, loadChats
, loadGroupCallParticipants
, loadSavedMessagesTopics
, searchAffiliatePrograms
, searchCallMessages
, searchChatMembers
, searchChatMessages
, searchChatRecentLocationMessages
, searchChats
, searchChatsOnServer
, searchContacts
, searchFileDownloads
, searchHashtags
, searchInstalledStickerSets
, searchMessages
, searchOutgoingDocumentMessages
, searchPublicMessagesByTag
, searchPublicStoriesByLocation
, searchPublicStoriesByTag
, searchPublicStoriesByVenue
, searchRecentlyFoundChats
, searchSavedMessages
, searchSecretMessages
, searchStickers
, searchStringsByPrefix
- limit_type_
: getPremiumLimit
, premiumSourceLimitExceeded
- limits_
: premiumFeatures
- link_
: authorizationStateWaitOtherDeviceConfirmation
, businessChatLink
, chatBoostLink
, confirmQrCodeAuthentication
, deleteBusinessChatLink
, editBusinessChatLink
, getDeepLinkInfo
, getExternalLink
, getExternalLinkInfo
, getInternalLinkType
, internalLinkTypeUnknownDeepLink
, messageLink
, targetChatInternalLink
- link_color_
: themeParameters
- link_info_
: createBusinessChatLink
, editBusinessChatLink
- link_name_
: getBusinessChatLinkInfo
, internalLinkTypeBusinessChat
- link_preview_
: messageText
- link_preview_options_
: getLinkPreview
, inputMessageText
, messageText
- linked_chat_id_
: supergroupFullInfo
- linkPreview()
: linkPreview
- linkPreviewAlbumMediaPhoto()
: linkPreviewAlbumMediaPhoto
- linkPreviewAlbumMediaVideo()
: linkPreviewAlbumMediaVideo
- linkPreviewOptions()
: linkPreviewOptions
- linkPreviewTypeAlbum()
: linkPreviewTypeAlbum
- linkPreviewTypeAnimation()
: linkPreviewTypeAnimation
- linkPreviewTypeApp()
: linkPreviewTypeApp
- linkPreviewTypeArticle()
: linkPreviewTypeArticle
- linkPreviewTypeAudio()
: linkPreviewTypeAudio
- linkPreviewTypeBackground()
: linkPreviewTypeBackground
- linkPreviewTypeChannelBoost()
: linkPreviewTypeChannelBoost
- linkPreviewTypeChat()
: linkPreviewTypeChat
- linkPreviewTypeDocument()
: linkPreviewTypeDocument
- linkPreviewTypeEmbeddedAnimationPlayer()
: linkPreviewTypeEmbeddedAnimationPlayer
- linkPreviewTypeEmbeddedAudioPlayer()
: linkPreviewTypeEmbeddedAudioPlayer
- linkPreviewTypeEmbeddedVideoPlayer()
: linkPreviewTypeEmbeddedVideoPlayer
- linkPreviewTypeExternalAudio()
: linkPreviewTypeExternalAudio
- linkPreviewTypeExternalVideo()
: linkPreviewTypeExternalVideo
- linkPreviewTypeInvoice()
: linkPreviewTypeInvoice
- linkPreviewTypeMessage()
: linkPreviewTypeMessage
- linkPreviewTypePhoto()
: linkPreviewTypePhoto
- linkPreviewTypePremiumGiftCode()
: linkPreviewTypePremiumGiftCode
- linkPreviewTypeShareableChatFolder()
: linkPreviewTypeShareableChatFolder
- linkPreviewTypeSticker()
: linkPreviewTypeSticker
- linkPreviewTypeStickerSet()
: linkPreviewTypeStickerSet
- linkPreviewTypeStory()
: linkPreviewTypeStory
- linkPreviewTypeSupergroupBoost()
: linkPreviewTypeSupergroupBoost
- linkPreviewTypeTheme()
: linkPreviewTypeTheme
- linkPreviewTypeUnsupported()
: linkPreviewTypeUnsupported
- linkPreviewTypeUpgradedGift()
: linkPreviewTypeUpgradedGift
- linkPreviewTypeUser()
: linkPreviewTypeUser
- linkPreviewTypeVideo()
: linkPreviewTypeVideo
- linkPreviewTypeVideoChat()
: linkPreviewTypeVideoChat
- linkPreviewTypeVideoNote()
: linkPreviewTypeVideoNote
- linkPreviewTypeVoiceNote()
: linkPreviewTypeVoiceNote
- linkPreviewTypeWebApp()
: linkPreviewTypeWebApp
- links_
: businessChatLinks
- list_
: chatActiveStories
, chatPosition
- live_period_
: editBusinessMessageLiveLocation
, editInlineMessageLiveLocation
, editMessageLiveLocation
, inputInlineQueryResultLocation
, inputMessageLocation
, messageLocation
- loadActiveStories()
: loadActiveStories
- loadChats()
: loadChats
- loaded_all_participants_
: groupCall
- loadGroupCallParticipants()
: loadGroupCallParticipants
- loadQuickReplyShortcutMessages()
: loadQuickReplyShortcutMessages
- loadQuickReplyShortcuts()
: loadQuickReplyShortcuts
- loadSavedMessagesTopics()
: loadSavedMessagesTopics
- local_
: file
- local_opening_hours_
: businessInfo
- local_prefix_size_
: setFileGenerationProgress
- local_string_count_
: languagePackInfo
- localFile()
: localFile
- localization_target_
: getLanguagePackString
, updateLanguagePackStrings
- localizationTargetInfo()
: localizationTargetInfo
- location()
: location
- location_
: businessInfo
, businessLocation
, chatLocation
, connectedWebsite
, createNewSupergroupChat
, editBusinessMessageLiveLocation
, editInlineMessageLiveLocation
, editMessageLiveLocation
, getCurrentWeather
, getMapThumbnailFile
, inlineQueryResultLocation
, inputInlineQueryResultLocation
, inputMessageLocation
, inputStoryAreaTypeLocation
, messageLocation
, pageBlockMap
, session
, setBusinessLocation
, setChatLocation
, storyAreaTypeLocation
, supergroupFullInfo
, unconfirmedSession
, venue
- locationAddress()
: locationAddress
- log_file_
: sendCallLog
- log_in_date_
: connectedWebsite
, session
, unconfirmedSession
- log_size_
: storageStatisticsFast
- log_stream_
: setLogStream
- login_email_address_pattern_
: passwordState
- loginUrlInfoOpen()
: loginUrlInfoOpen
- loginUrlInfoRequestConfirmation()
: loginUrlInfoRequestConfirmation
- LogMessageCallbackPtr
: ClientManager
- logOut()
: logOut
- logStreamDefault()
: logStreamDefault
- logStreamEmpty()
: logStreamEmpty
- logStreamFile()
: logStreamFile
- logTags()
: logTags
- logVerbosityLevel()
: logVerbosityLevel
- longitude_
: location
- low_
: autoDownloadSettingsPresets