td_api.hpp File Reference


Contains downcast_call methods for calling a function object on downcasted to the most derived class TDLib API object.

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template<class T >
bool downcast_call (Object &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (Function &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (AffiliateProgramSortOrder &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (AffiliateType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (AuthenticationCodeType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (AuthorizationState &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (AutosaveSettingsScope &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (BackgroundFill &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (BackgroundType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (BlockList &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (BotCommandScope &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (BotWriteAccessAllowReason &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (BusinessAwayMessageSchedule &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (BusinessFeature &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (CallDiscardReason &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (CallProblem &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (CallServerType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (CallState &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (CallbackQueryPayload &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (CanSendMessageToUserResult &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (CanSendStoryResult &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (CanTransferOwnershipResult &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ChatAction &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ChatActionBar &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ChatAvailableReactions &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ChatBoostSource &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ChatEventAction &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ChatList &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ChatMemberStatus &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ChatMembersFilter &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ChatPhotoStickerType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ChatRevenueTransactionType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ChatSource &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ChatStatistics &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ChatStatisticsObjectType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ChatType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (CheckChatUsernameResult &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (CheckStickerSetNameResult &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (CollectibleItemType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ConnectionState &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (DeviceToken &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (DiceStickers &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (EmailAddressAuthentication &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (EmailAddressResetState &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (EmojiCategorySource &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (EmojiCategoryType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (FileType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (FirebaseAuthenticationSettings &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (FirebaseDeviceVerificationParameters &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (GiveawayInfo &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (GiveawayParticipantStatus &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (GiveawayPrize &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (GroupCallVideoQuality &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (InlineKeyboardButtonType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (InlineQueryResult &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (InlineQueryResultsButtonType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (InputBackground &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (InputChatPhoto &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (InputCredentials &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (InputFile &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (InputInlineQueryResult &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (InputInvoice &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (InputMessageContent &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (InputMessageReplyTo &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (InputPaidMediaType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (InputPassportElement &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (InputPassportElementErrorSource &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (InputStoryAreaType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (InputStoryContent &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (InternalLinkType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (InviteLinkChatType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (JsonValue &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (KeyboardButtonType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (LanguagePackStringValue &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (LinkPreviewAlbumMedia &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (LinkPreviewType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (LogStream &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (LoginUrlInfo &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (MaskPoint &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (MessageContent &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (MessageEffectType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (MessageFileType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (MessageOrigin &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (MessageReadDate &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (MessageReplyTo &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (MessageSchedulingState &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (MessageSelfDestructType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (MessageSender &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (MessageSendingState &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (MessageSource &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (NetworkStatisticsEntry &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (NetworkType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (NotificationGroupType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (NotificationSettingsScope &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (NotificationType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (OptionValue &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (PageBlock &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (PageBlockHorizontalAlignment &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (PageBlockVerticalAlignment &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (PaidMedia &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (PassportElement &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (PassportElementErrorSource &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (PassportElementType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (PaymentFormType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (PaymentProvider &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (PaymentReceiptType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (PhoneNumberCodeType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (PollType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (PremiumFeature &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (PremiumLimitType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (PremiumSource &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (PremiumStoryFeature &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ProxyType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (PublicChatType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (PublicForward &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (PushMessageContent &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ReactionNotificationSource &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ReactionType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ReactionUnavailabilityReason &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ReplyMarkup &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ReportChatResult &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ReportChatSponsoredMessageResult &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ReportReason &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ReportStoryResult &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ResendCodeReason &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ResetPasswordResult &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (RevenueWithdrawalState &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (RichText &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (SavedMessagesTopicType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (SearchMessagesChatTypeFilter &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (SearchMessagesFilter &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (SecretChatState &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (SentGift &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (SessionType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (SpeechRecognitionResult &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (StarSubscriptionType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (StarTransactionDirection &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (StarTransactionType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (StatisticalGraph &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (StickerFormat &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (StickerFullType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (StickerType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (StorePaymentPurpose &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (StoryAreaType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (StoryContent &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (StoryInteractionType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (StoryList &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (StoryOrigin &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (StoryPrivacySettings &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (SuggestedAction &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (SupergroupMembersFilter &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (TMeUrlType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (TargetChat &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (TelegramPaymentPurpose &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (TextEntityType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (TextParseMode &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (ThumbnailFormat &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (TopChatCategory &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (Update &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (UserPrivacySetting &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (UserPrivacySettingRule &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (UserStatus &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (UserType &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (VectorPathCommand &obj, const T &func)
template<class T >
bool downcast_call (WebAppOpenMode &obj, const T &func)

Function Documentation

◆ downcast_call() [1/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( Object obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [2/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( Function obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [3/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( AffiliateProgramSortOrder obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [4/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( AffiliateType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [5/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( AuthenticationCodeType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [6/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( AuthorizationState obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [7/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( AutosaveSettingsScope obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [8/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( BackgroundFill obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [9/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( BackgroundType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [10/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( BlockList obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [11/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( BotCommandScope obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [12/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( BotWriteAccessAllowReason obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [13/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( BusinessAwayMessageSchedule obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [14/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( BusinessFeature obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [15/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( CallDiscardReason obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [16/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( CallProblem obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [17/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( CallServerType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [18/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( CallState obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [19/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( CallbackQueryPayload obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [20/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( CanSendMessageToUserResult obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [21/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( CanSendStoryResult obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [22/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( CanTransferOwnershipResult obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [23/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ChatAction obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [24/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ChatActionBar obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [25/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ChatAvailableReactions obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [26/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ChatBoostSource obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [27/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ChatEventAction obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [28/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ChatList obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [29/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ChatMemberStatus obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [30/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ChatMembersFilter obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [31/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ChatPhotoStickerType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [32/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ChatRevenueTransactionType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [33/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ChatSource obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [34/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ChatStatistics obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [35/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ChatStatisticsObjectType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [36/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ChatType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [37/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( CheckChatUsernameResult obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [38/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( CheckStickerSetNameResult obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [39/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( CollectibleItemType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [40/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ConnectionState obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [41/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( DeviceToken obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [42/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( DiceStickers obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [43/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( EmailAddressAuthentication obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [44/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( EmailAddressResetState obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [45/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( EmojiCategorySource obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [46/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( EmojiCategoryType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [47/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( FileType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [48/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( FirebaseAuthenticationSettings obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [49/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( FirebaseDeviceVerificationParameters obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [50/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( GiveawayInfo obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [51/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( GiveawayParticipantStatus obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [52/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( GiveawayPrize obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [53/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( GroupCallVideoQuality obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [54/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( InlineKeyboardButtonType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [55/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( InlineQueryResult obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [56/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( InlineQueryResultsButtonType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [57/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( InputBackground obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [58/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( InputChatPhoto obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [59/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( InputCredentials obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [60/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( InputFile obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [61/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( InputInlineQueryResult obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [62/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( InputInvoice obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [63/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( InputMessageContent obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [64/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( InputMessageReplyTo obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [65/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( InputPaidMediaType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [66/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( InputPassportElement obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [67/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( InputPassportElementErrorSource obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [68/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( InputStoryAreaType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [69/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( InputStoryContent obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [70/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( InternalLinkType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [71/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( InviteLinkChatType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [72/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( JsonValue obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [73/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( KeyboardButtonType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [74/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( LanguagePackStringValue obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [75/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( LinkPreviewAlbumMedia obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [76/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( LinkPreviewType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [77/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( LogStream obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [78/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( LoginUrlInfo obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [79/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( MaskPoint obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [80/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( MessageContent obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [81/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( MessageEffectType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [82/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( MessageFileType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [83/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( MessageOrigin obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [84/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( MessageReadDate obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [85/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( MessageReplyTo obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [86/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( MessageSchedulingState obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [87/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( MessageSelfDestructType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [88/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( MessageSender obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [89/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( MessageSendingState obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [90/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( MessageSource obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [91/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( NetworkStatisticsEntry obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [92/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( NetworkType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [93/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( NotificationGroupType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [94/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( NotificationSettingsScope obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [95/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( NotificationType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [96/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( OptionValue obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [97/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( PageBlock obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [98/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( PageBlockHorizontalAlignment obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [99/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( PageBlockVerticalAlignment obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [100/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( PaidMedia obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [101/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( PassportElement obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [102/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( PassportElementErrorSource obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [103/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( PassportElementType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [104/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( PaymentFormType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [105/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( PaymentProvider obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [106/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( PaymentReceiptType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [107/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( PhoneNumberCodeType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [108/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( PollType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [109/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( PremiumFeature obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [110/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( PremiumLimitType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [111/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( PremiumSource obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [112/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( PremiumStoryFeature obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [113/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ProxyType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [114/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( PublicChatType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [115/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( PublicForward obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [116/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( PushMessageContent obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [117/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ReactionNotificationSource obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [118/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ReactionType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [119/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ReactionUnavailabilityReason obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [120/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ReplyMarkup obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [121/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ReportChatResult obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [122/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ReportChatSponsoredMessageResult obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [123/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ReportReason obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [124/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ReportStoryResult obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [125/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ResendCodeReason obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [126/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ResetPasswordResult obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [127/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( RevenueWithdrawalState obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [128/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( RichText obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [129/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( SavedMessagesTopicType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [130/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( SearchMessagesChatTypeFilter obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [131/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( SearchMessagesFilter obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [132/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( SecretChatState obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [133/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( SentGift obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [134/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( SessionType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [135/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( SpeechRecognitionResult obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [136/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( StarSubscriptionType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [137/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( StarTransactionDirection obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [138/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( StarTransactionType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [139/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( StatisticalGraph obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [140/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( StickerFormat obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [141/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( StickerFullType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [142/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( StickerType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [143/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( StorePaymentPurpose obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [144/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( StoryAreaType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [145/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( StoryContent obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [146/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( StoryInteractionType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [147/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( StoryList obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [148/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( StoryOrigin obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [149/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( StoryPrivacySettings obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [150/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( SuggestedAction obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [151/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( SupergroupMembersFilter obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [152/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( TMeUrlType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [153/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( TargetChat obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [154/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( TelegramPaymentPurpose obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [155/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( TextEntityType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [156/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( TextParseMode obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [157/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( ThumbnailFormat obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [158/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( TopChatCategory obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [159/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( Update obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [160/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( UserPrivacySetting obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [161/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( UserPrivacySettingRule obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [162/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( UserStatus obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [163/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( UserType obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [164/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( VectorPathCommand obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.

◆ downcast_call() [165/165]

bool td::td_api::downcast_call ( WebAppOpenMode obj,
const T &  func 

Calls the specified function object with the given object downcasted to its most derived type.

[in]objObject to pass as an argument to the function object.
[in]funcFunction object to which the object will be passed.
Whether function object call has happened. Should always return true for correct parameters.